If you want to deepen your understanding of what we as Catholics believe, or just want to reinvigorate your relationship with Christ, then join GIFT and participate in one of our faith-study programs.


GIFT is a group of adults who strive to more fully understand their Catholic faith and the bible through DVD-based learning programs created by prominent Catholic clergy and theologians. These are not videotaped lectures; they are dynamic, interactive programs designed to move and inspire you. Past programs include Untold Blessing: Three Paths to Holiness by Rev. Robert Barron, Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother by Dr. Edward Sri, and Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come by Jeff Cavins.


  • Currently, we have two GIFT coordinators who run two different faith-study groups on different nights (Mondays and Tuesdays at 7:30 PM).
  • Groups complete a specific faith-study program by meeting weekly for 60-90 minutes over the course of 8-12 weeks, depending on the length of the program being offered.
  • Each weekly session features an episode from the current program's DVD series, followed by discussion, reflection, and prayer.
  • Since GIFT groups decide which faith-study program they would like to pursue, we often have two different programs happening at the same time. Check the church bulletin for details, and pick the one that's right for you!
  • While participants are encouraged to attend every session (the lessons build upon one another), anyone is welcome at any time.
  • GIFT sessions take place on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7:30 PM at the Parish Life Center, 526 Fairview St, Emmaus. Limited street parking is available. You can also park in the upper church parking lot and take the stairs up to Fairview St.


  • Want to grow closer to God by developing a better understanding of what the bible and the Catholic Church teach us
  • Are passionate about our faith and committed to continuing our religious education as adults
  • Are excited to share this faith journey with like-minded parishioners


To find out which faith-study programs are being offered by GIFT, or to join us and help choose the next one, please contact Monday's GIFT coordinators, Dave and Susan Kirby , or Tuesday's GIFT coordinator, Jeff Landau.

Monday's GIFT Coordinators: 
Dave and Susan Kirby

Tuesday's GIFT Coordinator:
Jeff Landau